The following subjects are taught at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini School: Religion, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education. Drug Education and Family Life programs incorporated in Science Curriculum, are included as well. Our faculty members together select the textbooks that best meet our needs. Standardized testing is also administered early fall and results are discussed with parents at the Fall Parent Conference.
Our curriculum follows specific student-based curriculum standards program called “Students and Teachers Achieving Remarkable Standards” (STARS). Currently, we are transitioning to Common Core State Standards using the Roadmap to 200 Days of Excellence.
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
- Daily Religion
- Daily Language Arts – Reading First Program
- Integrated Subjects – Social Studies, Science, Health, Handwriting, Spelling and Grammar
- Daily Mathematics
- Weekly PE and Art/Music
- 4th – 8th Grade
- Daily Religion
- Daily Language Arts
- Grammar, Reading/Literature, Spelling/Vocabulary
- Daily Mathematics
- Daily Social Studies
- 2 or 3 times a week Science
- Weekly PE and Art/Music
Class Requirements
Each St. Frances Xavier Cabrini School teacher is required to present parents a copy of the class syllabus on Back to School Night. Parents can go online to view the document and/or request additional copies from teachers at a later date.
The intent of the Curriculum Grade Level Standards for Catholic Schools is to identify core concepts at each level, grades K-8. These concepts are introduced using outcomes-based language, allowing for students to articulate and/or demonstrate understanding in measurable ways. In Religion, the standards highlight the important elements that mark our faith. All students attending St. Frances X. Cabrini School are expected to live out our SLE’s as part of their everyday life.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports are made current through Gradelink online. Parents may check the progress of their child’s performance daily or weekly as entered online by the respective teacher. Teachers issue progress reports approximately halfway through each quarter on the days listed in the school calendar. The purpose of the progress report is to alert parents of academic difficulties. If a child receives a low mark on a progress report, parents are encouraged to schedule a conference with the teacher to discuss tutoring and other collaborative ways to correct the problem before the end of the grading period.
Click here to access Gradelink »
Homework is an integral part of the school and learning. It is expected that all students spend time nightly on extending their attainment of skills and knowledge. The school homework is posted daily on The Gradelink password is available at the front office. Agendas are issued to write their homework in daily. Parents are asked to sign it nightly after reviewing the completed work. This is also a good communication device for teachers and parents.
Graduation Requirements
The graduation requirement for 8th grade is to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and complete a well prepared 10 page essay or a powerpoint with rubrics guidelines meeting the SLE’s. Require topics are to be handed out at first parent meeting in October. Students have ample time to create a well-written essay and well prepared powerpoint media presentation through school preparation and homework. The graduation essay’s rubric is attached to essay format given to students in October. Essay/powerpoint is due in April 2012. No late papers will be accepted.
If a student requires private tutoring or parents wish to have a student tutored in school subjects, the parents are responsible for engaging the tutor and paying all tutoring costs. The school may assist the parents in identifying tutoring resources.
Teachers may not be paid for tutoring students assigned to their classes. With prior permission from the principal, teachers may tutor other students who attend the school and be paid for such tutoring by the parents.
A school may arrange with independent contractors or entities, who are not teachers or staff at the school to provide tutoring on a fee basis. Independent entities must have appropriate licenses, agreements for use of the premises and insurance.
All tutors and entities must comply with the procedures and policies of the extended school day program and the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Minors at Parish or Parish School Activities or Events.